• 2022 The development status and future trend of China’s gear industry

    2022 The development status and future trend of China’s gear industry

    China is a big manufacturing country, especially driven by the wave of national economic development, China’s manufacturing-related industries have achieved very good results. In the machinery industry, gears are the most important and indispensable basic components, which are used in vari...
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  • What is gear modification ?

    What is gear modification ?

    Gear modification can greatly improve transmission accuracy and increase gear strength. Gear modification refers to the technological measures to consciously trim the tooth surface of the gear in a small amount to make it deviate from the theoretical tooth surface. There are many types of gear m...
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  • The characteristics and manufacturing methods of hypoid gears

    The characteristics and manufacturing methods of hypoid gears

    There are many types of gears, including straight cylindrical gears, helical cylindrical gears, bevel gears, and the hypoid gears we are introducing today. 1)The characteristics of hypoid gears First of all, the shaft angle of the hypoid gear is 90°, and the torque direction can be changed to 90°...
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  • planetary gear transmission characteristics

    planetary gear transmission characteristics

    Compared with planetary gear transmission and fixed shaft transmission, planetary gear transmission has many unique characteristics: 1)    Small size, light weight, compact structure and large transmission torque. Due to its reasonable application of internal meshing gear pairs, the structure is ...
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  • The Characteristics And Quenching Principle Of Bevel Gears

    The Characteristics And Quenching Principle Of Bevel Gears

    Bevel gears are widely used in printing equipment, automobile differentials and water gates. They are also used for locomotives, ships, power plants, steel plants, railway track inspections, etc. Compared with metal gears, bevel gears are economical, have a long service ...
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  • Materials Commonly Used In Gears

    Materials Commonly Used In Gears

    Gears rely on their own structural dimensions and material strength to withstand external loads, which requires materials to have high strength, toughness and wear resistance; due to the complex shape of the gears, the gears require high precision, and the materials also...
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  • Hypoid Bevel Gear Vs Spiral Bevel Gear

    Hypoid Bevel Gear Vs Spiral Bevel Gear

    Spiral bevel gears and hypoid bevel gears are the main transmission methods used in automobile final reducers. What is the difference between them? Difference Between Hypoid Bevel Gear And Spiral Bevel Gear ...
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  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of Gear Grinding And Gear Lapping

    Advantages And Disadvantages Of Gear Grinding And Gear Lapping

    Usually you may hear different methods by machining bevel gears, which includes straight bevel gears, spiral bevel gears, crown gears or hypoid gears.     That is Milling, Lapping and Grinding.  Milling is the basic way to do the bevel gears.  Then after milling, some cu...
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