
1. No poverty
We have supported a total of 39 employee families who found themselves in difficult circumstances. To help these families rise above poverty, we offer interest-free loans, financial support for children's education, medical assistance, and vocational skills training. Additionally, we provide targeted assistance to villages in two economically disadvantaged areas, organizing skills training sessions and educational donations to enhance the residents' employability and educational attainment. Through these initiatives, we aim to create sustainable opportunities and improve the overall quality of life for these communities.

2. Zero hunger
We have contributed free aid funds to support impoverished villages in establishing livestock development and agricultural processing companies, facilitating the transformation towards agricultural industrialization. In collaboration with our partners in the agricultural machinery industry, we donated 37 types of farming equipment, significantly enhancing production efficiency and productivity. These initiatives aim to empower residents, improve food security, and promote sustainable agricultural practices in the communities we serve..

3. Good health and well being
Belon be strictly abides by the "Meal Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2016)" and the "Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China," provides employees with healthy and safe food, purchases comprehensive medical insurance for all employees, and organizes employees to conduct free complete physical examinations twice a year. Invest in the construction of fitness venues and equipment, and manage a variety of fitness and cultural and sports activities.

4. Quality education
As of 2021, we have supported 215 underprivileged college students and participated in fundraising efforts to establish two primary schools in disadvantaged areas. Our commitment is to ensure that individuals in these communities have access to equitable educational opportunities. We have implemented a comprehensive training program for new recruits and actively encourage our current employees to pursue further academic studies. Through these initiatives, we aim to empower individuals through education and foster a brighter future for all.

5. Gender equality
We abide by the relevant laws and regulations in the places we operate and abide by the equal and non-discriminatory employment policy; we care for female employees, organize various cultural and recreational activities, and help employees balance their work and life.


6. Clean water and sanitation

We invest funds to expand the recycling rate of water resources, thereby effectively increasing the utilization rate of water resources. Establish strict drinking water use and testing standards, and use the most sophisticated drinking water purification equipment.

7. Clean energy
We respond to the UN's call for energy conservation, and emission reduction,Strengthen resource utilization and carry out academic research,expand the application scope of photovoltaic new energy as much as possible, on the premise of not affecting the regular production order, Solar power can meet the needs of lighting, office and some production. At present, photovoltaic power generation covers an area of 60,000 square meters.

8. Decent work and economic growth

We firmly implement and optimize the talent development strategy, create a suitable platform and space for employee development, fully respect the rights and interests of employees, and provide generous rewards that match them.

9. Industrial innovation

Invest in scientific research funds, introduce and train outstanding scientific research talents in the industry, participate in or undertake the research and development of important national projects, actively promote industry production and management innovation, and consider and deploy to enter Industry 4.0.

10. Reduced inequalities
Fully respect human rights, defend the rights and interests of employees, eliminate all forms of bureaucratic behavior and class division, and urge suppliers to implement them together. Through various public welfare, projects to help the community's sustainable development, reduce inequality within the enterprise and the country.

11. Sustainable cities and communitie
Establish a good, trustworthy and lasting relationship with suppliers and customers to ensure the sustainable development of the industrial chain and produce high-quality and fair-priced products that society needs.

12. Responsible consumption and production
Reduce waste pollution and noise pollution, and create an excellent industrial production environment. It influenced society with its integrity, tolerance, and excellent entrepreneurial spirit and achieved the harmonious development of industrial production and community life.

13. Climate action

Innovate energy management methods, improve energy use efficiency, use photovoltaic new energy, and include supplier energy use as one of the assessment standards, thereby reducing carbon dioxide emissions as a whole.

14.Life below water

We strictly abide by the "Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China", "Water Pollution Prevention Law of the People's Republic of China" and "Marine Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China", improve the recycling rate of industrial water, continuously optimize the sewage treatment system and innovate, and have been continuously 16 Annual sewage discharge is zero, and plastic waste is 100% recycled.

 15.Life on land

We use cleaner production, 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle), and ecological industry technologies to realize the complete recycling of natural resources. Invest funds to optimize the green environment of the plant, and the average green area of the plant is 41.5% on average.

 16.Peace, justice and strong institutions

Establish a traceable management system for all work details to prevent any bureaucratic and corrupt behavior. Caring for the lives and health of employees to reduce work injuries and occupational diseases, upgrade management methods and equipment, and regularly hold safety production training and activities.

 17.Partnerships for the goals

By offering high-quality products and exceptional services, we engage in technical, management, and cultural exchanges with international customers and suppliers. Our commitment is to collaboratively foster a harmonious environment in the global market, ensuring that we work in tandem with the world's industrial development goals. Through these partnerships, we aim to enhance innovation, share best practices, and contribute to sustainable growth on a global scale.